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Chemical Formula | AlP |
Molecular Weight | 57.955301 g/mol |
IUPAC Name | alumanylidynephosphane |
SMILES String | [Al]#P |
InChI | InChI=1S/Al.P |
Citation | CC-DPS (Chemical Compounds Deep Profiling Services; powered by 41 patented QSQN technology based on Quantum Chemistry, Statistical Thermodynamics, Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR), and Neural Network. |
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Chemical Formula Description
The ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE molecule contains a total of 2 atom(s). There are 1 Phosphorous atom(s). A chemical formula of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE can therefore be written as:
The chemical formula of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE shown above is based on the molecular formula indicating the numbers of each type of atom in a molecule without structural information, which is different from the empirical formula which provides the numerical proportions of atoms of each type.
The above chemical formula is the basis of stoichiometry in chemical equations, i.e., the calculation of relative quantities of reactants and products in chemical reactions. The law of conservation of mass dictates that the quantity of each element given in the chemical formula does not change in a chemical reaction. Thus, each side of the chemical equation must represent the same quantity of any particular element based on the chemical formula.

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Input example for Ethanol:
- Name: ethanol
- CAS #: 64-17-5
- Formula: C2H5OH
- Smiles: CCO
- InChI: InChI=1S/C2H6O/c1-2-3/h3H,2H2,1H3
Additional Information for Identifying ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE Molecule
Structure Data File (SDF/MOL File) of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE
The structure data file (SDF/MOL File) of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE is available for download in the SDF page of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE providing the information about the atoms, bonds, connectivity and coordinates of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE, which is not completely available in the chemical formula representation. The ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE structure data file can be imported to most of the cheminformatics software for further analysis and visualization.
Chemical structure of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE
The chemical structure image of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE is available in chemical structure page of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE, which specifies the molecular geometry, i.e., the spatial arrangement of atoms in the chemical formula of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE and the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together.
Molecular weight of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE
The molecular weight of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE is available in molecular weight page of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE, which is calculated as the sum of the atomic weights of each constituent element multiplied by the number of atoms of that element specified in the chemical formula of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE.
InChI (IUPAC International Chemical Identifier) information of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE
The molecular chemical formulas lack structural information. An alternative textual expression including the structural information is InChI. The full standard InChI of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE is:
It can provide a standard way to encode the molecular information of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE to facilitate the search for the compound information in databases and on the web.
The condensed, 27 character standard InChIKey (hashed version of the full standard InChI) of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE is:
The InChIKey may allow easier web searches for ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE, but it needs to be linked to the full InChI to get back to the original structure of the ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE since the full standard InChI cannot be reconstructed from the InChIKey.
Other names (synonyms) or registry numbers of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE
The ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE compound may have different names depending on the various different situations of industrial applications. The list of the other names (synonyms) of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE including the registry numbers is given below, if available:
- 8005-48-9
- 71751-04-7
- 1302-45-0
- Aluminum phosphide [UN1397] [Dangerous when wet]
- Aluminum phosphide [UN1397] [Dangerous when wet]
- Aluminum phosphide pesticide
- Aluminium(III) phosphide
- Aluminium monophosphide
- Phosphures d'alumium
- Fosfuri di alluminio
- Aluminium fosfide
- Aluminumphosphide
- UN 1397
- EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 066501
- Fosfuri di alluminio [Italian]
- Phosphures d'alumium [French]
- RCRA waste number P006
- RCRA waste no. P006
- Aluminium phosphide (AlP)
- Aluminium fosfide [Dutch]
- Caswell No. 031
- Aluminum monophosphide
- Detia-Ex-B
- AL-Phos
- Detia gas Ex-B
- Celphos (indian)
- Aluminum phosphide (AlP)
- Phostoxin-A
- Detia
- Quickphos
- Gastion
- Delicia
- Celphine
- 20859-73-8
- Delicia gastoxin
- Fumitoxin
- Celphos
- Celphide
- Phostoxin
ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE Identification Summary Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What’s the chemical formula of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE? |
AlP |
How many atoms and what are they in the ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE structure? |
2 atom(s) - 1 Phosphorous atom(s) |
How many chemical bonds and what are they in the ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE structure? |
1 bond(s) - 1 non-H bond(s), 1 multiple bond(s), and 1 triple bond(s) |
What’s the molecular weight of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE? |
57.955301 g/mol |
What’s the SMILES string of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE? |
[Al]#P |
InChI=1S/Al.P |
What’s the InChIKey of ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE? |