Free radical thermodynamic data on this page is sourced from CC-DPS (Chemical Compounds Deep Profiling Services), which provides more than 2,100 additional essential information sets for each chemical compound.
At CC-DPS, we provide free radical thermodynamic data free of charge for compounds containing up to 5 non-hydrogen atoms.
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Missing Free Radical Thermodynamic Data?
It's a common issue. Free radicals, known for their instability and brief lifespans, pose significant challenges for direct measurement of their properties. Yet, understanding the thermodynamics of free radicals is crucial, as they play a pivotal role in key chemical processes including oxidation, combustion, and pyrolysis. This data is particularly essential for running simulation software like CHEMKIN.
Bypass this hurdle by accessing comprehensive thermodynamic data for free radicals through our Chemical Compounds Deep Profiling Services (CC-DPS).
Any Free Sample?
Yes, we provide 5-radical sample webpage at no cost for your review. To view the thermodynamic data, simply
the following
(View Video Guide):
Go to our 5-radical sample webpage .
- 2.
Click one of the radical images (or click the “View our data” button).
- 3.
View the data of interests.
What Thermodynamic Data Are Available Per Radical?
We provide a total of 8 datasets per single radical related to thermodynamic properties, which includes entropy, enthalpy, Gibb’s free energy, and heat capacity. A detailed list of the available data is available at the following link:
What Kind of Radicals & How Many Available?
Currently, our database contains hydrocarbon radicals with the carbon number up to 23 and non-hydrocarbon radicals (consisting of C, H, N, O, and/or S atoms) with the carbon number up to 10. There are more than 280,000 hydrocarbon radicals and 100,000 non-hydrocarbon radicals in the database. A detailed radical list is available at the following link: