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SDF/Mol File of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate (C17H28O3)

Identification of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate Chemical Compound

2D chemical structure image of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate
Chemical Formula C17H28O3
Molecular Weight 280.40242 g/mol
IUPAC Name (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate
InChI InChI=1S/C17H28O3/c1-10-6-7-13-12(10)8-14-15(19-11(2)18)9-17(13,5)20-16(14,3)4/h10,12-15H,6-9H2,1-5H3/t10-,12+,13+,14-,15-,17-/m1/s1

Structure Data File (SDF/MOL File) Description

The structure data file (SDF/MOL File) of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate is available for download. Click the link below to start downloading.

Download structure data file (SDF/MOL File)

The structure data file (SDF/MOL File) contains the information about the atoms, bonds, connectivity and coordinates of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate molecule. It starts with a header block, followed by "connection table’, which describes the structural relationships and properties of the atoms.

The structure data file (SDF/MOL File) available above can be imported to most of the chemistry-related software packages, performing further scientific analysis. Most of the computational software and visualization program require the structural information of the target molecule, and the above structure data file (SDF/MOL File) can be a good option.

3D chemical structure image of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate
Ball-and-stick model of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate

chemical table area

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Input example for Ethanol:

  • Name: ethanol
  • CAS #: 64-17-5
  • Formula: C2H5OH
  • Smiles: CCO
  • InChI: InChI=1S/C2H6O/c1-2-3/h3H,2H2,1H3

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Our Deep Data encompasses property data, spectral data, quantum chemical data, and molecular descriptor data for a wide range of chemical compounds. It features more than 2,100 high-quality datasets per single chemical compound, totaling over 8 billion datasets for 4.1+ million chemical compounds. Below are some application examples that may interest you:

Additional Information for Identifying (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate Molecule

  • Other names (synonyms) or registry numbers of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate

    The (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate compound may be named differently depending on the various situations of industrial applications. Other names (synonyms) of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate including the registry numbers are listed below, if available:

    None available.

(1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate Identification Summary Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s the (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate formula?
How many atoms and what elements are included in the (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate molecule?
48 atom(s) - 28 Hydrogen atom(s), 17 Carbon atom(s), and 3 Oxygen atom(s)
How many chemical bonds and what kind of bonds are in the (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate structure?
50 bond(s) - 22 non-H bond(s), 1 multiple bond(s), 2 rotatable bond(s), 1 double bond(s), 1 five-membered ring(s), 1 six-membered ring(s), 2 seven-membered ring(s), 2 ten-membered ring(s), 1 ester(s) (aliphatic), and 1 ether(s) (aliphatic)
What’s the (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate’s molar mass?
280.40242 g/mol
What’s the SMILES structure of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate?
What’s the InChI code of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate?
What’s the InChIKey format of (1R,2S,5R,6S,8R,12R)-1,5,9,9-tetramethyl-10-oxatricyclo[^{2,6}]dodecan-12-yl acetate?

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Source: Chemical Compounds Deep Data Source (CCDDS; https://www.molinstincts.com) based on 41 patented QSQN and QN technology
commercialized into Mol-Instincts database and ChemRTP, ChemEssen, Inc (2024).

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