Chemical Compounds
Molecular Weight
Powered by CC-DPS
Delivering 2,100+ Information Sets per Compound.
Molecular Weight For Over 100 Million Compounds
Locating accurate molecular weights for a vast array of compounds, particularly those less well-known, can often be a daunting task. Our Chemical Compounds Deep Profiling Services (CC-DPS) simplifies this process, granting you access to the molecular weights of over 100 million compounds. Beyond just molecular weights, each entry is enriched with essential identifiers such as InChI, SMILES strings, and IUPAC names, complemented by both 2D and 3D visual representations. Delve deeper with CC-DPS, which provides an extensive collection of over 2,100 sets of vital information for each compound, facilitating your research and development efforts in the chemical domain.
Search Molecular Weight
Enter compound to search for molecular weight:
Input example for Ethanol:
- Name: ethanol
- CAS #: 64-17-5
- Formula: C2H5OH
- Smiles: CCO
- InChI: InChI=1S/C2H6O/c1-2-3/h3H,2H2,1H3
What’s Available
In addition to the molecular weight information, basic molecular information such as formula, chemical identifier, e.g., IUPAC name, SMILES String, InChI, etc., as well as a 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional images are provided.
Click the following link to visit an example page: